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Updated: May 2, 2020

Their love was magic. Pure magic. That kind of love that makes you dance under the rain and smile everyday. The kind that blinds you with its own light, and doesn't let you sleep at night. The kind of love that is and will always be magic. Beautiful. Incomparable. Because it was them, together. And their connection was from another planet.

That thought will stay forever in her heart, all the memories by his side. And at least she has that, because it hurts so much not seeing him by her side when she wakes up.

If she could just rest her lips on his one more time, have one more breakfast, one more dinner together. Make him laugh and just stop the time. Maybe then she could be happy, or maybe then she could find closure.

They were so young and pure... and they still are, but they had to grow up. Even if they were the happiest, life changed and everything turned apart. Unfortunately, in that moment, all they could do is move forward to become their own selves. They needed and deserved that. Even if was the most painful thing they've ever done or you will ever do.

Because when something breaks, if the pieces are large enough, you might be able to fix it.

But this time, she didn't just break. She shattered. Tiny little pieces of herself all around, of her heart. Yet, she tried. She tried to collect every tiny piece on her own, trying to fix herself, getting hurt with every movement. Unfortunately, when that happens, it's very hard to stick all the pieces together again. And that's fine. Sad, but fine. Because even if something is broken, shattered glass will always bright when you let the light in.

But first, she had to be herself before. She had to live and become, in order to love, in order to be.

And she now goes to sleep every night hoping they'll be okay. Hoping that one day, when they've grown up, when they are both ready, maybe then one day their paths will cross again. And she'll never lose faith. Because true love will never be forgotten. It will always be magic.

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